by crisb | Jun 13, 2019 | AWARDS, NEWS
We are very happy to announce that ‘The Blaze’ podcast won at the recent Kenyan Digital Media Awards ! Congratulations to the whole team ! We are looking forward to the new season and cooking up new ideas and even better format. See you in Season 2 !...
by crisb | Jun 28, 2018 | AWARDS, NEWS
The Social Media Awards – We Won !! We just won an award from the ‘Social Media Week – Nairobi’ in the #DigitalMediaAwards category for our work in creating and producing the MumsVillage show in partnership with MumsVillage. We strived to make...
by crisb | May 21, 2018 | AWARDS, NEWS
This year Studio Daily has honoured myself and my partner Tilo Ponder with a StudioDaily50 award. This award honours executives and producers who make great work happen. Directors, Cinematographers and Editors who push the creative envelope; and scientists, engineers,...
by crisb | Mar 21, 2018 | NEWS
Goodmakers was featured in an article in ‘Studio Daily‘ covering our work with GoodMakers and our studio here in Nairobi. It’s a great honour to be recognised here. Here’s the link : ‘GoodMakers –...