What’s Good Networks is an online platform, providing an inside look at African urban youth culture across lifestyle channels including; music, fashion, tech sports and entertainment. wgNETWORKS features exclusive interviews with artists, musicians as well as behind-the-scenes coverage of events and parties, which emphasize what’s cutting in the street culture of Nairobi.
We expanded our original single channel What’s Good Live TV, to ‘What’s Good Networks- a co-operative platform to support our ad partners by integrating brands with unique content experiences that delight and engage 18-35 urban audiences using a media mix of; original shows, music, fashion, travel, business, arts & enteartainment and on-demand radio.
From the latest tech finds to political insights, to entertaining celebrity interviews and segments on the hottest new street wear looks- wgNETWORKS aims to become the leading digital platform for Africa’s progressive urban youth culture.
We customize content programs to synthesize with client marketing objectives, working collaboratively to effectively engage new audiences.

What’s Good Live serves as an engagement platform for 16-26 urban audiences. Featuring original lifestyle programming with focus on music, nightlife and fashion. Provide consumer insights, test consumer responses and measure engagement.
As well as covering local live events, we also have our own shows:
“The Hump Show” and “ShengTalk”
Have a look HERE